Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dear Diary

I knew at the outset that a good percent of the material in this blog was going to be foolish crap, but I don't think anyone really knew what grade of foolish we would be dealing with.

Having no preconceived notions about what I would do, I found myself gravitating toward the film arts. I think a typical oaklair blogpost is much like a gymnastics routine. Everyone pretty much just waits for the high-speed flips and then yawns during the dance elements. The movies are the flips, and my writing is like the make it appear more blog-like. Anyway, don't ask me what my muse was when I cooked up this particular slice, just take it at face value.


brando said...

Pure foolishness!

I'm going to repay you with some foolishness of my own.

Fatherhead said...

Sampling from the tree of Cullen? Eeewwwwwwwwwww!

Anonymous said...

One more LOTR bit of foolishness.