Friday, June 26, 2009

It's All About Michael Jackson

I never imagined I would be blogging about Michael Jackson twice in a lifetime, let alone twice in a year. As you may recall, I poured out some recognition for MJ on his 5oth birthday, and now I want to dump out gallons of lumpy recognition for his passing. Truth be told, all I'm really going to do is embed this sweet youtube video compilation of moonwalks. I may have linked it before, I don't remember and I don't want to check. I wouldn't be surprised, because in my mind Michael Jackson is pretty much synonymous with the moonwalk. He may as well be called "The King of Moonwalk" as far as I'm concerned. When I watch him dance all I see is thrust, thrust...wiggle, funny leg kick, flail-spin, and then....


It's pretty much the most captivating and mystifying blend of dancing and witchcraft that has ever been seen by more than a tribe-sized group of people.

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