Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Face You Can Trust

Hi, I'm Cullen from The Oak Lair, and you're gonna say "Wow!" when you see my new ShamWow video. It's like a towel, it's like a sponge, and some might even say it's like a chamois.

This isn't exactly fresh news, but Vince Shlomi, (yeah that's his real name) had an exciting night with an exciting gal back in March. You can get all the details here unless you would rather preserve the pristine image of the Vince you imagine spending long afternoons at the carnival with...or buying $20 dishtowels from. Maybe it's time you saw the truth behind Vince's honest, caring face. Or maybe it's time you moved on to another pitchman of who's integrity you can be assured.


brando said...

Slap slap slap your troubles away.

The antique collectibles guy was the best. Your quickity-low talk voice was gosh darn funny. You really captured the GI Joe guy. I will watch that part about 17 more times.

More please.

What I don't understand is which hooker mugshot is the one after Vince was hitting her. Cause in the pic in the link, she looks really good and laughy-jokey.

In that pick in the video, she looks like she got hit by a Ford Fiestiva L. It doesn't even look like the same woman.

jiveturkey9000 said...

The sad one in the video was originally posted on that smoking gun article but was later taken off. He musta Vinced out pretty bad.

brando said...

I took an entire day off of work to come down here, so. I'm lookin' for the customer service tent because I wish to return this. I tried to dry off my antiques and collectibles by wrapping them in the ShamWow. And, uh, slamming my fist against it. Um, but, it destroyed everything. And I, ah, wanna talk to somebody about returning this. I felt a lot of pressure when I watched the commercial. I felt like I needed to buy it now. And I did, and as soon as I bought it, I wrapped everything up in it and pounded it, and it broke, so I need to return this.