Thursday, October 9, 2008

Feral Amish Kids Bent on Mayhem

Imagine yourself traveling through the midwest, run down buildings and rusty farm equipment occasionally breaking up the monotony of mile after mile of corn lining the highway. Not so much creepy as it is depressing...until you add Amish kids.


Sounds like a great recipe for a short story. Someone should write that. Then someone should make a movie based on it. Then someone should make about five sequels. Then someone should do a remake based on the original short my home town.

Wait a minute, I've just been told that all of my aforementioned suggestions are too late.

That's right, my home town of Lost Nation, Iowa was selected as a filming location for the upcoming Sci-Fi Channel exclusive "Children of the Corn". I don't think any of the town's 500 residents would have ever imagined that their downtown would one day be transformed into a desolate backdrop of ruin for an army of bloodthirsty, self-created orphans. In any event, I'm sure they didn't think it would happen so suddenly.

When Jodi and I rolled into town, what we saw couldn't have been too unlike what the main characters Burt and Vicki saw when they first arrived...a town that had fallen to neglect. As it turns out, grubby little maniac children aren't the best housekeepers. In fact, they pretty much get an F- for effort. It's not for lack of numbers though, as you couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting one. Someone just needs to give them the many hands lighten the load rundown.

So anyway, you get the idea. Old familiar things from my childhood (family grocery store, cyberninja's house) were transformed into horror movie sets much to the chagrin/amusement of the townspeople. Have a look for yourself as I present to you my first feature-length documentary that covers some of the high points of the filming.


Cory said...

Hey! Stop beating that kid up outside my house!

I really can't wait to see this movie now that I know it features the Scanlan/Bright alley for 90% of it.

Hey, who wants to play some hackey-sack?

Awesome documentary Cullen. I especially enjoyed the slow-motion effects as you tried to get in place after that dude shifts in front of the camera and you go...

"Ohhh Shiiiiiiiit."

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that was one of those moments that was so brutally disappointing that it became better than the original plan after I decided to roll with it.

brando said...

It almost seemed like he blocked you intentionally.

Anonymous said...

That's sort of how I felt about it too. We had been standing in those spots for like 15 minutes, so you'd assume that we're all happy with our view. Just a last moment anxious squirm I guess.

Travis said...

Its weird to see Lost Nation as a set.

Travis said...

Have any of you tried to watch hulu through a TV? Via PS3 or Wii? I have watched youtube on my big screen through my Wii, but I just thought of trying it with hulu.

Anonymous said...

Last second shift... Friend of yours?