Saturday, January 10, 2009

Information You Can Use

I've been receiving a lot of fan mail recently asking things like,

"Why the sharp drop-off in posting...I thought the Oak Lair was the most reliable source for everything I need to know? I'm confused...and scared." "Does Cullen just not care about me?


"What did I do, and what would I do without the Oak Lair in my life?"

I'm here to tell you that I do care...crap-tons, and I'll prove it to you right now by sharing with you an assortment of handy information that will be sure to give you the upper hand next time a conversation goes stale. You see, I recently picked up a book called Pocket Ref in response to my growing desire to become a referee. As it turned out, the book had nothing to do with officiating was even better. This is the most densely packed smattering of miscellaneous knowledge I have ever seen. I don't know if I'll ever need to know the electromagnetic frequency spectrum or the uranium 238 decay series, but if I do, it's all right here at my fingertips. Here's what you'd see with a casual flip through.

Personally I can't tell you how many times I've frantically waved my arms in pure frustration at a crane operator. If only I'd known these simple crane/hoist directions then. Maybe those lives would've been spared.


brando said...

I hear ya. That sounds like really good info.

I reminds me of the time I tied what I thought was a tautline knot around my neck, only to have the auditorium full of people scream "That's a Topsail Halliard Bend!".

Man, that was an embarrassing moment.

The Editor said...

if you were my "pocket ref", i would pray for an illegal procedure...or maybe an illegal block from behind. either one.